Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Family, A Fair Recap!

A Family, A Fair was a lot of fun! A lot of good friends came out to support and it was great to see them all, even if I was stuck behind a table the whole time! Lots of thanks to my bestgalpal, Aimee (I know, Amy & Aimee, how silly is that), who helped out TONS, seriously, she made my day much less stressful (especially after not getting any sleep and not feeling so well).

Here are a couple shots of my table/garment rack setup...

The outfit I donated to the silent auction. Skirt with matching appliqued onesie and matching headband (size 6 months).

A couple of the other matching sets I made, skirts and shorts with matching appliqued onesies.

I still haven't managed to get all the new items from the fair listed in my etsy shop, I have been super busy, trying to get my house back to a state of clean (it was neglected while I was sewing like a madwoman to get ready for the fair), and my little guy has just started a gymnastics class and will be having a 3rd birthday party (Thomas themed of course) in 3 weeks. Busybusybusy. But keep an eye on the shop because I have a bunch of cute little skirts and shorts to get listed.

And now for some exciting future fair news, I applied to the Handmade Market today (it's November 8th, so still a ways away). I am really excited about it, so keep your fingers crossed that I get accepted.

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