Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Family, A Fair Recap!

A Family, A Fair was a lot of fun! A lot of good friends came out to support and it was great to see them all, even if I was stuck behind a table the whole time! Lots of thanks to my bestgalpal, Aimee (I know, Amy & Aimee, how silly is that), who helped out TONS, seriously, she made my day much less stressful (especially after not getting any sleep and not feeling so well).

Here are a couple shots of my table/garment rack setup...

The outfit I donated to the silent auction. Skirt with matching appliqued onesie and matching headband (size 6 months).

A couple of the other matching sets I made, skirts and shorts with matching appliqued onesies.

I still haven't managed to get all the new items from the fair listed in my etsy shop, I have been super busy, trying to get my house back to a state of clean (it was neglected while I was sewing like a madwoman to get ready for the fair), and my little guy has just started a gymnastics class and will be having a 3rd birthday party (Thomas themed of course) in 3 weeks. Busybusybusy. But keep an eye on the shop because I have a bunch of cute little skirts and shorts to get listed.

And now for some exciting future fair news, I applied to the Handmade Market today (it's November 8th, so still a ways away). I am really excited about it, so keep your fingers crossed that I get accepted.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Family, A Fair Sneak Peek!

A sneak peek of a few items I will have for sale tomorrow at A Family, A Fair (for more info about the fair, check my previous post).

Matchbook notebooks made to put the in the gift bags given out at the door (300 of them!)

Close up of the matchbook notebooks.

Skirts, skirts, skirts!

Shorts, shorts, shorts!

Coffee cozies (and the new packaging I made for them)

Crayon rolls galore!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Family, A Fair!

Amyzing Creations will have a booth at the upcoming A Family, A Fair in Cary, NC. It's hosted by the La Leche League of Cary (I love LLL events) and there will be lots of fun stuff for everyone. (Click the link to find out more)
It's on August 16th, from 10am to 2pm. So if you are in the area be sure to come by and check it out.
I will be unveiling a new line of infant and toddler shorts and skirts, they are VERY cute!
I have also donated a cute little outfit (skirts, matching appliqued onesie and headband) for their silent auction.
AND... I will be taking credit cards for the first time and a fair! Very exciting!
Thanks and hope to see you there!